The request object used by AbandonRelease
The response object for AbandonRelease
An advanceChildRollout Job.
AdvanceChildRolloutJobRun contains information specific to a
advanceChildRollout JobRun
Contains the information of an automated advance-rollout operation.
The request object used by AdvanceRollout
The response object from AdvanceRollout
The AdvanceRollout
automation rule will automatically advance a successful
Rollout to the next phase.
Information specifying an Anthos Cluster.
The request object used by ApproveRollout
The response object from ApproveRollout
An Automation
resource in the Cloud Deploy API.
Payload proto for “”
Platform Log event that describes the Automation related events.
AutomationResourceSelector contains the information to select the resources
to which an Automation is going to be applied.
AutomationRolloutMetadata contains Automation-related actions that
were performed on a rollout.
defines the automation activities.
contains conditions relevant to an
An AutomationRun
resource in the Cloud Deploy API.
Payload proto for “”
Platform Log event that describes the AutomationRun related events.
Description of an a image to use during Skaffold rendering.
Canary represents the canary deployment strategy.
CanaryDeployment represents the canary deployment configuration
The request object used by CancelAutomationRun
The response object from CancelAutomationRun
The request object used by CancelRollout
The response object from CancelRollout
ChildRollouts job composition
CloudRunConfig contains the Cloud Run runtime configuration.
Information specifying where to deploy a Cloud Run Service.
CloudRunMetadata contains information from a Cloud Run deployment.
CloudRunRenderMetadata contains Cloud Run information associated with a
Service-wide configuration.
The request object for CreateAutomation
A createChildRollout Job.
CreateChildRolloutJobRun contains information specific to a
createChildRollout JobRun
The request object for CreateCustomTargetType
The request object for CreateDeliveryPipeline
The request object for CreateRelease
CreateRolloutRequest is the request object used by CreateRollout
The request object for CreateTarget
CustomCanaryDeployment represents the custom canary deployment
CustomMetadata contains information from a user-defined operation.
Information specifying a Custom Target.
CustomTargetDeployMetadata contains information from a Custom Target
deploy operation.
CustomTargetSkaffoldActions represents the CustomTargetType
using Skaffold custom actions.
A CustomTargetType
resource in the Cloud Deploy API.
Payload proto for “”
Platform Log event that describes the failure to send a custom target type
status change Pub/Sub notification.
Execution using the default Cloud Build pool.
The request object for DeleteAutomation
The request object for DeleteCustomTargetType
The request object for DeleteDeliveryPipeline
The request object for DeleteTarget
A DeliveryPipeline
resource in the Cloud Deploy API.
Payload proto for “”
Platform Log event that describes the failure to send delivery pipeline
status change Pub/Sub notification.
The artifacts produced by a deploy operation.
A deploy Job.
DeployJobRun contains information specific to a deploy JobRun
DeployJobRunMetadata surfaces information associated with a DeployJobRun
the user.
DeployParameters contains deploy parameters information.
Payload proto for “”.
Platform Log event that describes the failure to send a pub/sub notification
when there is a DeployPolicy status change.
Deployment job composition.
Configuration of the environment to use when calling Skaffold.
The request object for GetAutomation
The request object for GetAutomationRun
Request to get a configuration.
The request object for GetCustomTargetType
The request object for GetDeliveryPipeline
GetJobRunRequest is the request object used by GetJobRun
The request object for GetRelease
GetRolloutRequest is the request object used by GetRollout
The request object for GetTarget
Information specifying a GKE Cluster.
The request object used by IgnoreJob
The response object from IgnoreJob
Job represents an operation for a Rollout
A JobRun
resource in the Cloud Deploy API.
Payload proto for “”
Platform Log event that describes the failure to send JobRun resource update
Pub/Sub notification.
KubernetesConfig contains the Kubernetes runtime configuration.
The request object for ListAutomationRuns
The response object from ListAutomationRuns
The request object for ListAutomations
The response object from ListAutomations
The request object for ListCustomTargetTypes
The response object from ListCustomTargetTypes.
The request object for ListDeliveryPipelines
The response object from ListDeliveryPipelines
ListJobRunsRequest is the request object used by ListJobRuns
ListJobRunsResponse is the response object returned by ListJobRuns
The request object for ListReleases
The response object from ListReleases
ListRolloutsRequest is the request object used by ListRollouts
ListRolloutsResponse is the response object reutrned by ListRollouts
The request object for ListTargets
The response object from ListTargets
Metadata includes information associated with a Rollout
Information specifying a multiTarget.
Represents the metadata of the long-running operation.
Phase represents a collection of jobs that are logically grouped together
for a Rollout
PipelineCondition contains all conditions relevant to a Delivery Pipeline.
PipelineReadyCondition contains information around the status of the
Postdeploy contains the postdeploy job configuration information.
A postdeploy Job.
PostdeployJobRun contains information specific to a postdeploy JobRun
Predeploy contains the predeploy job configuration information.
A predeploy Job.
PredeployJobRun contains information specific to a predeploy JobRun
Execution using a private Cloud Build pool.
Contains the information of an automated promote-release operation.
The PromoteRelease
rule will automatically promote a release from the
current target to a specified target.
A Release
resource in the Cloud Deploy API.
Payload proto for “”
Platform Log event that describes the failure to send release status change
Pub/Sub notification.
Payload proto for “”
Platform Log event that describes the render status change.
RenderMetadata includes information associated with a Release
RepairPhase tracks the repair attempts that have been made for
each RepairPhaseConfig
specified in the Automation
Contains the information for an automated repair rollout
The RepairRolloutRule
automation rule will automatically repair a failed
RetryAttempt represents an action of retrying the failed Cloud Deploy job.
RetryJobRequest is the request object used by RetryJob
The response object from ‘RetryJob’.
RetryPhase contains the retry attempts and the metadata for initiating a
new attempt.
RollbackAttempt represents an action of rolling back a Cloud Deploy ‘Target’.
Configs for the Rollback rollout.
The request object for RollbackTarget
The response object from RollbackTarget
A Rollout
resource in the Cloud Deploy API.
Payload proto for “”
Platform Log event that describes the failure to send rollout status change
Pub/Sub notification.
Payload proto for “”
Platform Log event that describes the rollout update event.
RuntimeConfig contains the runtime specific configurations for a deployment
SerialPipeline defines a sequential set of stages for a DeliveryPipeline
Skaffold Config modules and their remote source.
Details of a supported Skaffold version.
Stage specifies a location to which to deploy.
Standard represents the standard deployment strategy.
Strategy contains deployment strategy information.
A Target
resource in the Cloud Deploy API.
The artifacts produced by a target render operation.
Contains criteria for selecting Targets.
Payload proto for “”
Platform Log event that describes the failure to send target status change
Pub/Sub notification.
contains information on any Targets referenced in
the Delivery Pipeline that do not actually exist.
TargetsTypeCondition contains information on whether the Targets defined in
the Delivery Pipeline are of the same type.
The request object used by TerminateJobRun
The response object from TerminateJobRun
The request object for UpdateAutomation
The request object for UpdateCustomTargetType
The request object for UpdateDeliveryPipeline
The request object for UpdateTarget
A verify Job.
VerifyJobRun contains information specific to a verify JobRun