AdminAction defines all the cloud spanner admin actions, including
instance/database admin ops, backup ops and operation actions.
AdminResult contains admin action results, for database/backup/operation.
Batch of DML statements invoked using batched execution.
Identifies a database partition generated for a particular read or query. To
read rows from the partition, use ExecutePartitionAction.
Action that cancels an operation.
Action that changes quorum of a Cloud Spanner database.
Raw ChangeStream records.
Encodes one of: DataChangeRecord, HeartbeatRecord, ChildPartitionsRecord
returned from the ChangeStream API.
ChangeStream child partition record.
Closes or cleans up the currently opened batch read-only transaction.
CloudBackupResponse contains results returned by cloud backup related
CloudDatabaseResponse contains results returned by cloud database related
CloudInstanceConfigResponse contains results returned by cloud instance
config related actions.
CloudInstanceResponse contains results returned by cloud instance related
ColumnMetadata represents metadata of a single column.
Concurrency for read-only transactions.
Action that copies a Cloud Spanner database backup.
Action that creates a Cloud Spanner database backup.
Action that creates a Cloud Spanner database.
Action that creates a Cloud Spanner instance.
Action that creates a user instance config.
ChangeStream data change record.
Action that deletes a Cloud Spanner database backup.
Action that deletes a Cloud Spanner instance.
Action that deletes a user instance configs.
A single DML statement.
Action that drops a Cloud Spanner database.
Execute a change stream TVF query.
Performs a read or query for the given partitions. This action must be
executed in the context of the same transaction that was used to generate
given partitions.
FinishTransactionAction defines an action of finishing a transaction.
Generate database partitions for the given query. Successful outcomes will
contain database partitions in the db_partition field.
Generate database partitions for the given read. Successful outcomes will
contain database partitions in the db_partition field.
Action that gets a Cloud Spanner database backup.
Action that gets a Cloud Spanner database.
Action that retrieves a Cloud Spanner instance.
Action that gets a user instance config.
Action that gets an operation.
ChangeStream heartbeat record.
KeyRange represents a range of rows in a table or index.
KeySet defines a collection of Spanner keys and/or key ranges. All
the keys are expected to be in the same table. The keys need not be
sorted in any particular way.
Action that lists Cloud Spanner database backup operations.
Action that lists Cloud Spanner database backups.
Action that lists Cloud Spanner database operations.
Action that lists Cloud Spanner databases.
Action that lists user instance configs.
Action that lists Cloud Spanner databases.
A single mutation request.
OperationResponse contains results returned by operation related actions.
PartitionedUpdateAction defines an action to execute a partitioned DML
which runs different partitions in parallel.
A SQL query request.
Query cancellation action defines the long running query and the cancel query
format depening on the Cloud database dialect.
QueryResult contains result of a Query.
A single read request.
ReadResult contains rows read.
Action that restores a Cloud Spanner database from a backup.
Options for the session pool used by the DatabaseClient.
SpannerAction defines a primitive action that can be performed against
Spanner, such as begin or commit a transaction, or perform a read or
SpannerActionOutcome defines a result of execution of a single SpannerAction.
Request to executor service that start a new Spanner action.
Response from executor service.
Options for Cloud Spanner Service.
Starts a batch read-only transaction in executor. Successful outcomes of this
action will contain batch_txn_id–the identificator that can be used to start
the same transaction in other Executors to parallelize partition processing.
StartTransactionAction defines an action of initializing a transaction.
TableMetadata contains metadata of a single table.
Options for executing the transaction.
Action that updates a Cloud Spanner database backup.
Action that updates a Cloud Spanner database.
Action that updates the schema of a Cloud Spanner database.
Action that updates a Cloud Spanner instance.
Action that updates a user instance config.
Value represents a single value that can be read or written to/from
List of values.
WriteMutationAction defines an action of flushing the mutation so they
are visible to subsequent operations in the transaction.