Information about CSS/MC account.
Label assigned by CSS domain or CSS group to one of its sub-accounts.
Attributes for CSS Product.
The certification for the product. Use the this attribute to describe
certifications, such as energy efficiency ratings, associated with a product.
Request message for the ‘CreateAccountLanel’ method.
The processed CSS Product(a.k.a Aggregate Offer internally).
This resource represents input data you submit for a CSS Product, not
the processed CSS Product that you see in CSS Center, in Shopping Ads, or
across Google surfaces.
The status of the Css Product, data validation issues, that is,
information about the Css Product computed asynchronously.
Request message for the ‘DeleteAccountLabel’ method.
Request message for the DeleteCssProductInput method.
The request message for the GetAccount
The request message for the GetCssProduct
Request message for the InsertCssProductInput method.
Request message for the ListAccountLabels
Response message for the ListAccountLabels
The request message for the ListChildAccounts
Response message for the ListChildAccounts
Request message for the ListCssProducts method.
Response message for the ListCssProducts method.
The product details.
The dimension of the product.
The weight of the product.
Request message for the UpdateAccountLabel
The request message for the UpdateLabels