Nested message and enum types in CheckUpgradeResponse
Nested message and enum types in Environment
Nested message and enum types in EnvironmentConfig
Generated client implementations.
Generated client implementations.
Nested message and enum types in IPAllocationPolicy
Nested message and enum types in ListWorkloadsResponse
Nested message and enum types in MasterAuthorizedNetworksConfig
Nested message and enum types in NetworkingConfig
Nested message and enum types in OperationMetadata
Nested message and enum types in PollAirflowCommandResponse
Nested message and enum types in SoftwareConfig
Nested message and enum types in TaskLogsRetentionConfig
Nested message and enum types in WebServerNetworkAccessControl
Nested message and enum types in WorkloadsConfig
Message containing information about the result of an upgrade check
Configuration for Cloud Data Lineage integration.
Create a new environment.
Create user workloads ConfigMap request.
Create user workloads Secret request.
The configuration setting for Airflow database data retention mechanism.
The configuration of Cloud SQL instance that is used by the Apache Airflow
Request to trigger database failover (only for highly resilient
Response for DatabaseFailoverRequest.
Delete an environment.
Delete user workloads ConfigMap request.
Delete user workloads Secret request.
The encryption options for the Cloud Composer environment
and its dependencies.Supported for Cloud Composer environments in versions
An environment for running orchestration tasks.
Configuration information for an environment.
Execute Airflow Command request.
Response to ExecuteAirflowCommandRequest.
Request to fetch properties of environment’s database.
Response for FetchDatabasePropertiesRequest.
Get an environment.
Get user workloads ConfigMap request.
Get user workloads Secret request.
ImageVersion information
Configuration for controlling how IPs are allocated in the
GKE cluster running the Apache Airflow software.
List environments in a project and location.
The environments in a project and location.
List ImageVersions in a project and location.
The ImageVersions in a project and location.
List user workloads ConfigMaps request.
The user workloads ConfigMaps for a given environment.
List user workloads Secrets request.
The user workloads Secrets for a given environment.
Request for listing workloads in a Cloud Composer environment.
Response to ListWorkloadsRequest.
Request to load a snapshot into a Cloud Composer environment.
Response to LoadSnapshotRequest.
The configuration settings for Cloud Composer maintenance window.
The following example:
Configuration options for the master authorized networks feature. Enabled
master authorized networks will disallow all external traffic to access
Kubernetes master through HTTPS except traffic from the given CIDR blocks,
Google Compute Engine Public IPs and Google Prod IPs.
Configuration options for networking connections in the Composer 2
The configuration information for the Kubernetes Engine nodes running
the Apache Airflow software.
Metadata describing an operation.
Poll Airflow Command request.
Response to PollAirflowCommandRequest.
Configuration options for the private GKE cluster in a Cloud Composer
The configuration information for configuring a Private IP Cloud Composer
The Recovery settings of an environment.
Request to create a snapshot of a Cloud Composer environment.
Response to SaveSnapshotRequest.
The configuration for scheduled snapshot creation mechanism.
Specifies the selection and configuration of software inside the environment.
Stop Airflow Command request.
Response to StopAirflowCommandRequest.
The configuration for data storage in the environment.
The configuration setting for Task Logs.
Update an environment.
Update user workloads ConfigMap request.
Update user workloads Secret request.
User workloads ConfigMap used by Airflow tasks that run with Kubernetes
executor or KubernetesPodOperator.
User workloads Secret used by Airflow tasks that run with Kubernetes executor
or KubernetesPodOperator.
The configuration settings for the Airflow web server App Engine instance.
Supported for Cloud Composer environments in versions
Network-level access control policy for the Airflow web server.
The Kubernetes workloads configuration for GKE cluster associated with the
Cloud Composer environment. Supported for Cloud Composer environments in
versions composer-2..-airflow-..* and newer.