CommonFeatureSpec contains Hub-wide configuration information
CommonFeatureState contains Hub-wide Feature status information.
ConnectAgentResource represents a Kubernetes resource manifest for Connect
Agent deployment.
Request message for the GkeHub.CreateFeature
Request message for the GkeHub.CreateMembership
Request message for GkeHub.DeleteFeature
Request message for GkeHub.DeleteMembership
Feature represents the settings and status of any Hub Feature.
FeatureResourceState describes the state of a Feature resource in the
GkeHub API. See FeatureState
for the “running state” of the Feature in the
Hub and across Memberships.
FeatureState describes the high-level state of a Feature. It may be used to
describe a Feature’s state at the environ-level, or per-membershop, depending
on the context.
Request message for GkeHub.GenerateConnectManifest
GenerateConnectManifestResponse contains manifest information for
installing/upgrading a Connect agent.
Request message for GkeHub.GetFeature
Request message for GkeHub.GetMembership
GkeCluster contains information specific to GKE clusters.
KubernetesMetadata provides informational metadata for Memberships
representing Kubernetes clusters.
KubernetesResource contains the YAML manifests and configuration for
Membership Kubernetes resources in the cluster. After CreateMembership or
UpdateMembership, these resources should be re-applied in the cluster.
Request message for GkeHub.ListFeatures
Response message for the GkeHub.ListFeatures
Request message for GkeHub.ListMemberships
Response message for the GkeHub.ListMemberships
Membership contains information about a member cluster.
MembershipEndpoint contains information needed to contact a Kubernetes API,
endpoint and any additional Kubernetes metadata.
MembershipFeatureSpec contains configuration information for a single
MembershipFeatureState contains Feature status information for a single
MembershipState describes the state of a Membership resource.
This field informs Fleet-based applications/services/UIs with the necessary
information for where each underlying Cluster reports its metrics.
Represents the metadata of the long-running operation.
ResourceManifest represents a single Kubernetes resource to be applied to
the cluster.
ResourceOptions represent options for Kubernetes resource generation.
TypeMeta is the type information needed for content unmarshalling of
Kubernetes resources in the manifest.
Request message for GkeHub.UpdateFeature
Request message for GkeHub.UpdateMembership