Module google_api_proto::google::cloud::apihub::v1

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  • An API resource in the API Hub.
  • An ApiHubInstance represents the instance resources of the API Hub. Currently, only one ApiHub instance is allowed for each project.
  • ApiHubResource is one of the resources such as Api, Operation, Deployment, Definition, Spec and Version resources stored in API-Hub.
  • Represents an operation contained in an API version in the API Hub. An operation is added/updated/deleted in an API version when a new spec is added or an existing spec is updated/deleted in a version. Currently, an operation will be created only corresponding to OpenAPI spec as parsing is supported for OpenAPI spec.
  • An attribute in the API Hub. An attribute is a name value pair which can be attached to different resources in the API hub based on the scope of the attribute. Attributes can either be pre-defined by the API Hub or created by users.
  • The attribute values associated with resource.
  • The [CreateApiHubInstance][] method’s request.
  • The [CreateApi][] method’s request.
  • The [CreateAttribute][] method’s request.
  • The [CreateDependency][] method’s request.
  • The [CreateDeployment][] method’s request.
  • The [CreateExternalApi][] method’s request.
  • The [CreateHostProjectRegistration][] method’s request.
  • The [CreateRuntimeProjectAttachment][] method’s request.
  • The [CreateSpec][] method’s request.
  • The [CreateVersion][] method’s request.
  • Represents a definition for example schema, request, response definitions contained in an API version. A definition is added/updated/deleted in an API version when a new spec is added or an existing spec is updated/deleted in a version. Currently, definition will be created only corresponding to OpenAPI spec as parsing is supported for OpenAPI spec. Also, within OpenAPI spec, only schema object is supported.
  • The [DeleteApi][] method’s request.
  • The [DeleteAttribute][] method’s request.
  • The [DeleteDependency][] method’s request.
  • The [DeleteDeployment][] method’s request.
  • The [DeleteExternalApi][] method’s request.
  • The [DeleteRuntimeProjectAttachment][] method’s request.
  • The [DeleteSpec][] method’s request.
  • The [DeleteVersion][] method’s request.
  • A dependency resource defined in the API hub describes a dependency directed from a consumer to a supplier entity. A dependency can be defined between two [Operations][] or between an [Operation][] and [External API][].
  • Reference to an entity participating in a dependency.
  • Details describing error condition of a dependency.
  • Details of the deployment where APIs are hosted. A deployment could represent an Apigee proxy, API gateway, other Google Cloud services or non-Google Cloud services as well. A deployment entity is a root level entity in the API hub and exists independent of any API.
  • The [DisablePlugin][] method’s request.
  • Documentation details.
  • The [EnablePlugin][] method’s request.
  • An external API represents an API being provided by external sources. This can be used to model third-party APIs and can be used to define dependencies.
  • The [GetApiHubInstance][] method’s request.
  • The [GetApiOperation][] method’s request.
  • The [GetApi][] method’s request.
  • The [GetAttribute][] method’s request.
  • The [GetDefinition][] method’s request.
  • The [GetDependency][.ApiHubDependencies.GetDependency] method’s request.
  • The [GetDeployment][] method’s request.
  • The [GetExternalApi][] method’s request.
  • The [GetHostProjectRegistration][] method’s request.
  • The [GetPlugin][] method’s request.
  • The [GetRuntimeProjectAttachment][] method’s request.
  • The [GetSpecContents][] method’s request.
  • The [GetSpec][] method’s request.
  • The [GetStyleGuideContents][ApiHub.GetStyleGuideContents] method’s request.
  • The [GetStyleGuide][ApiHub.GetStyleGuide] method’s request.
  • The [GetVersion][] method’s request.
  • Host project registration refers to the registration of a Google cloud project with Api Hub as a host project. This is the project where Api Hub is provisioned. It acts as the consumer project for the Api Hub instance provisioned. Multiple runtime projects can be attached to the host project and these attachments define the scope of Api Hub.
  • The HTTP Operation.
  • Issue contains the details of a single issue found by the linter.
  • LintResponse contains the response from the linter.
  • The [LintSpec][ApiHub.LintSpec] method’s request.
  • The [ListApiOperations][] method’s request.
  • The [ListApiOperations][] method’s response.
  • The [ListApis][] method’s request.
  • The [ListApis][] method’s response.
  • The [ListAttributes][] method’s request.
  • The [ListAttributes][] method’s response.
  • The [ListDependencies][] method’s request.
  • The [ListDependencies][] method’s response.
  • The [ListDeployments][] method’s request.
  • The [ListDeployments][] method’s response.
  • The [ListExternalApis][] method’s request.
  • The [ListExternalApis][] method’s response.
  • The [ListHostProjectRegistrations][] method’s request.
  • The [ListHostProjectRegistrations][] method’s response.
  • The [ListRuntimeProjectAttachments][] method’s request.
  • The [ListRuntimeProjectAttachments][] method’s response.
  • The [ListSpecs][ListSpecs] method’s request.
  • The [ListSpecs][] method’s response.
  • The [ListVersions][] method’s request.
  • The [ListVersions][] method’s response.
  • The [LookupApiHubInstance][] method’s request.
  • The [LookupApiHubInstance][] method’s response.`
  • The [LookupRuntimeProjectAttachment][] method’s request.
  • The [ListRuntimeProjectAttachments][] method’s response.
  • OpenApiSpecDetails contains the details parsed from an OpenAPI spec in addition to the fields mentioned in [SpecDetails][].
  • The operation details parsed from the spec.
  • Represents the metadata of the long-running operation.
  • Owner details.
  • The path details derived from the spec.
  • A plugin resource in the API Hub.
  • Point within the file (line and character).
  • Object describing where in the file the issue was found.
  • Runtime project attachment represents an attachment from the runtime project to the host project. Api Hub looks for deployments in the attached runtime projects and creates corresponding resources in Api Hub for the discovered deployments.
  • The schema details derived from the spec. Currently, this entity is supported for OpenAPI spec only. For OpenAPI spec, this maps to the schema defined in the definitions section for OpenAPI 2.0 version and in components.schemas section for OpenAPI 3.0 and 3.1 version.
  • The [SearchResources][] method’s request.
  • Response for the [SearchResources][] method.
  • Represents the search results.
  • Represents a spec associated with an API version in the API Hub. Note that specs of various types can be uploaded, however parsing of details is supported for OpenAPI spec currently.
  • The spec contents.
  • SpecDetails contains the details parsed from supported spec types.
  • Represents a singleton style guide resource to be used for linting Open API specs.
  • The style guide contents.
  • The [UpdateApi][] method’s request.
  • The [UpdateAttribute][] method’s request.
  • The [UpdateDependency][] method’s request.
  • The [UpdateDeployment][] method’s request.
  • The [UpdateExternalApi][] method’s request.
  • The [UpdateSpec][] method’s request.
  • The [UpdateStyleGuide][ApiHub.UpdateStyleGuide] method’s request.
  • The [UpdateVersion][] method’s request.
  • Represents a version of the API resource in API hub. This is also referred to as the API version.


  • Lint state represents success or failure for linting.
  • Enumeration of linter types.
  • Severity of the issue.