Nested message and enum types in AccountStatusEnum
Nested message and enum types in AccountTypeEnum
Nested message and enum types in AdGroupAdEngineStatusEnum
Nested message and enum types in AdGroupAdRotationModeEnum
Nested message and enum types in AdGroupAdStatusEnum
Nested message and enum types in AdGroupCriterionEngineStatusEnum
Nested message and enum types in AdGroupCriterionStatusEnum
Nested message and enum types in AdGroupEngineStatusEnum
Nested message and enum types in AdGroupStatusEnum
Nested message and enum types in AdGroupTypeEnum
Nested message and enum types in AdNetworkTypeEnum
Nested message and enum types in AdServingOptimizationStatusEnum
Nested message and enum types in AdStrengthEnum
Nested message and enum types in AdTypeEnum
Nested message and enum types in AdvertisingChannelSubTypeEnum
Nested message and enum types in AdvertisingChannelTypeEnum
Nested message and enum types in AgeRangeTypeEnum
Nested message and enum types in AssetEngineStatusEnum
Nested message and enum types in AssetFieldTypeEnum
Nested message and enum types in AssetGroupStatusEnum
Nested message and enum types in AssetLinkStatusEnum
Nested message and enum types in AssetSetAssetStatusEnum
Nested message and enum types in AssetSetLinkStatusEnum
Nested message and enum types in AssetStatusEnum
Nested message and enum types in AssetTypeEnum
Nested message and enum types in AttributionModelEnum
Nested message and enum types in AttributionTypeEnum
Nested message and enum types in BiddingStrategyStatusEnum
Nested message and enum types in BiddingStrategySystemStatusEnum
Nested message and enum types in BiddingStrategyTypeEnum
Nested message and enum types in BudgetDeliveryMethodEnum
Nested message and enum types in BudgetPeriodEnum
Nested message and enum types in CallConversionReportingStateEnum
Nested message and enum types in CallToActionTypeEnum
Nested message and enum types in CampaignCriterionStatusEnum
Nested message and enum types in CampaignServingStatusEnum
Nested message and enum types in CampaignStatusEnum
Nested message and enum types in ConversionActionCategoryEnum
Nested message and enum types in ConversionActionStatusEnum
Nested message and enum types in ConversionActionTypeEnum
Nested message and enum types in ConversionCustomVariableCardinalityEnum
Nested message and enum types in ConversionCustomVariableFamilyEnum
Nested message and enum types in ConversionCustomVariableStatusEnum
Nested message and enum types in ConversionStatusEnum
Nested message and enum types in ConversionTrackingStatusEnum
Nested message and enum types in CriterionTypeEnum
Nested message and enum types in CustomColumnRenderTypeEnum
Nested message and enum types in CustomColumnValueTypeEnum
Nested message and enum types in CustomerStatusEnum
Nested message and enum types in DataDrivenModelStatusEnum
Nested message and enum types in DayOfWeekEnum
Nested message and enum types in DeviceEnum
Nested message and enum types in FloodlightVariableDataTypeEnum
Nested message and enum types in FloodlightVariableTypeEnum
Nested message and enum types in GenderTypeEnum
Nested message and enum types in GeoTargetConstantStatusEnum
Nested message and enum types in InteractionEventTypeEnum
Nested message and enum types in KeywordMatchTypeEnum
Nested message and enum types in LabelStatusEnum
Nested message and enum types in ListingGroupFilterBiddingCategoryLevelEnum
Nested message and enum types in ListingGroupFilterCustomAttributeIndexEnum
Nested message and enum types in ListingGroupFilterProductChannelEnum
Nested message and enum types in ListingGroupFilterProductConditionEnum
Nested message and enum types in ListingGroupFilterProductTypeLevelEnum
Nested message and enum types in ListingGroupFilterTypeEnum
Nested message and enum types in ListingGroupFilterVerticalEnum
Nested message and enum types in ListingGroupTypeEnum
Nested message and enum types in LocationGroupRadiusUnitsEnum
Nested message and enum types in LocationOwnershipTypeEnum
Nested message and enum types in ManagerLinkStatusEnum
Nested message and enum types in MimeTypeEnum
Nested message and enum types in MinuteOfHourEnum
Nested message and enum types in MobileAppVendorEnum
Nested message and enum types in NegativeGeoTargetTypeEnum
Nested message and enum types in OptimizationGoalTypeEnum
Nested message and enum types in PositiveGeoTargetTypeEnum
Nested message and enum types in ProductBiddingCategoryLevelEnum
Nested message and enum types in ProductBiddingCategoryStatusEnum
Nested message and enum types in ProductChannelEnum
Nested message and enum types in ProductChannelExclusivityEnum
Nested message and enum types in ProductConditionEnum
Nested message and enum types in QualityScoreBucketEnum
Nested message and enum types in SearchAds360FieldCategoryEnum
Nested message and enum types in SearchAds360FieldDataTypeEnum
Nested message and enum types in ServedAssetFieldTypeEnum
Nested message and enum types in SummaryRowSettingEnum
Nested message and enum types in TargetImpressionShareLocationEnum
Nested message and enum types in TargetingDimensionEnum
Nested message and enum types in UserListTypeEnum
Nested message and enum types in WebpageConditionOperandEnum
Nested message and enum types in WebpageConditionOperatorEnum
Container for enum describing possible statuses of an account.
Container for enum describing engine account types.
Container for enum describing possible AdGroupAd engine statuses.
Container for enum describing possible ad rotation modes of ads within an
ad group.
Container for enum describing possible statuses of an AdGroupAd.
Container for enum describing possible AdGroupCriterion engine statuses.
Message describing AdGroupCriterion statuses.
Container for enum describing possible AdGroup engine statuses.
Container for enum describing possible statuses of an ad group.
Defines types of an ad group, specific to a particular campaign channel
type. This type drives validations that restrict which entities can be
added to the ad group.
Container for enumeration of Google Ads network types.
Possible ad serving statuses of a campaign.
Container for enum describing possible ad strengths.
Container for enum describing possible types of an ad.
An immutable specialization of an Advertising Channel.
The channel type a campaign may target to serve on.
Container for enum describing the type of demographic age ranges.
Container for enum describing possible Asset engine statuses.
Container for enum describing the possible placements of an asset.
Container for enum describing possible statuses of an asset group.
Container for enum describing possible statuses of an asset link.
Container for enum describing possible statuses of an asset set asset.
Container for enum describing possible statuses of the linkage between asset
set and its container.
Container for enum describing possible statuses of an asset.
Container for enum describing the types of asset.
Container for enum representing the attribution model that describes how to
distribute credit for a particular conversion across potentially many prior
Container for enum describing conversion attribution type in SearchAds360
Message describing BiddingStrategy statuses.
Message describing BiddingStrategy system statuses.
Container for enum describing possible bidding strategy types.
Message describing Budget delivery methods. A delivery method determines the
rate at which the Budget is spent.
Message describing Budget period.
Container for enum describing possible data types for call conversion
reporting state.
Container for enum describing the call to action types.
Message describing CampaignCriterion statuses.
Message describing Campaign serving statuses.
Container for enum describing possible statuses of a campaign.
Container for enum describing the category of conversions that are associated
with a ConversionAction.
Container for enum describing possible statuses of a conversion action.
Container for enum describing possible types of a conversion action.
Container for enum describing the family of a conversion custom variable.
Container for enum describing the family of a conversion custom variable.
Container for enum describing possible statuses of a conversion custom
Container for enum describing possible statuses of a conversion.
Container for enum representing the conversion tracking status of the
The possible types of a criterion.
The render type of custom columns.
The value type of custom columns.
Container for enum describing possible statuses of a customer.
Container for enum indicating data driven model status.
Container for enumeration of days of the week, for example, “Monday”.
Container for enumeration of Google Ads devices available for targeting.
Container for enum describing Floodlight variable type defined in Search Ads
Container for enum describing Floodlight variable type defined in Search Ads
Container for enum describing the type of demographic genders.
Container for describing the status of a geo target constant.
Container for enum describing types of payable and free interactions.
Message describing Keyword match types.
Container for enum describing possible status of a label.
Container for enum describing the levels of bidding category used in
Container for enum describing the indexes of custom attribute used in
Locality of a product offer.
Condition of a product offer.
Level of the type of a product offer.
Container for enum describing the type of the listing group filter node.
Container for enum describing the type of the vertical a listing group filter
tree represents.
Container for enum describing the type of the listing group.
Container for enum describing unit of radius in location group.
Container for enum describing possible types of a location ownership.
Container for enum describing possible status of a manager and client link.
Container for enum describing the mime types.
Container for enumeration of quarter-hours.
Container for enum describing different types of mobile app vendors.
Container for enum describing possible negative geo target types.
Container for enum describing the type of optimization goal.
Container for enum describing possible positive geo target types.
Level of a product bidding category.
Status of the product bidding category.
Locality of a product offer.
Availability of a product offer.
Condition of a product offer.
The relative performance compared to other advertisers.
Container for enum that determines if the described artifact is a resource
or a field, and if it is a field, when it segments search queries.
Container holding the various data types.
Container for enum describing possible asset field types.
Indicates summary row setting in request parameter.
Container for enum describing where on the first search results page the
automated bidding system should target impressions for the
TargetImpressionShare bidding strategy.
The dimensions that can be targeted.
The user list types.
Container for enum describing webpage condition operand in webpage criterion.
Container for enum describing webpage condition operator in webpage