Module googapis::google::cloud::webrisk::v1beta1[][src]


Nested message and enum types in ComputeThreatListDiffRequest.

Nested message and enum types in ComputeThreatListDiffResponse.

Nested message and enum types in SearchHashesResponse.

Nested message and enum types in SearchUrisResponse.

Generated client implementations.


Describes an API diff request.

The uncompressed threat entries in hash format. Hashes can be anywhere from 4 to 32 bytes in size. A large majority are 4 bytes, but some hashes are lengthened if they collide with the hash of a popular URI.

A set of raw indices to remove from a local list.

The Rice-Golomb encoded data. Used for sending compressed 4-byte hashes or compressed removal indices.

Request to return full hashes matched by the provided hash prefixes.

Request to check URI entries against threatLists.

Contains the set of entries to add to a local database. May contain a combination of compressed and raw data in a single response.

Contains the set of entries to remove from a local database.


The ways in which threat entry sets can be compressed.

The type of threat. This maps dirrectly to the threat list a threat may belong to.