Module googapis::google::cloud::retail::v2[][src]


Nested message and enum types in BigQuerySource.

Generated client implementations.

Nested message and enum types in CompleteQueryResponse.

Nested message and enum types in CompletionDataInputConfig.

Generated client implementations.

Nested message and enum types in ImportErrorsConfig.

Nested message and enum types in ImportProductsRequest.

Nested message and enum types in Interval.

Nested message and enum types in PredictResponse.

Generated client implementations.

Nested message and enum types in PriceInfo.

Nested message and enum types in Product.

Nested message and enum types in ProductInputConfig.

Generated client implementations.

Nested message and enum types in RejoinUserEventsRequest.

Nested message and enum types in SearchRequest.

Nested message and enum types in SearchResponse.

Generated client implementations.

Nested message and enum types in UserEventInputConfig.

Generated client implementations.


Metadata related to the progress of the AddFulfillmentPlaces operation. Currently empty because there is no meaningful metadata populated from the [AddFulfillmentPlaces][] method.

Request message for [AddFulfillmentPlaces][] method.

Response of the AddFulfillmentPlacesRequest. Currently empty because there is no meaningful response populated from the [AddFulfillmentPlaces][] method.

An intended audience of the [Product][] for whom it’s sold.

BigQuery source import data from.

The catalog configuration.

Request message for CollectUserEvent method.

The color information of a [Product][].

Auto-complete parameters.

Response of the auto-complete query.

The input config source for completion data.

Detailed completion information including completion attribution token and clicked completion info.

Request message for [CreateProduct][] method.

A custom attribute that is not explicitly modeled in [Product][].

Request message for [DeleteProduct][] method.

Fulfillment information, such as the store IDs for in-store pickup or region IDs for different shipping methods.

Google Cloud Storage location for input content. format.

Request message to show which branch is currently the default branch.

Response message of [CatalogService.GetDefaultBranch][].

Request message for [GetProduct][] method.

[Product][] thumbnail/detail image.

Request message for ImportCompletionData methods.

Response of the [ImportCompletionDataRequest][]. If the long running operation is done, this message is returned by the google.longrunning.Operations.response field if the operation is successful.

Configuration of destination for Import related errors.

Metadata related to the progress of the Import operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.

Request message for Import methods.

Response of the [ImportProductsRequest][]. If the long running operation is done, then this message is returned by the google.longrunning.Operations.response field if the operation was successful.

Request message for the ImportUserEvents request.

Response of the ImportUserEventsRequest. If the long running operation was successful, then this message is returned by the google.longrunning.Operations.response field if the operation was successful.

A floating point interval.

Request for [CatalogService.ListCatalogs][] method.

Response for [CatalogService.ListCatalogs][] method.

Request message for [ProductService.ListProducts][] method.

Response message for [ProductService.ListProducts][] method.

Request message for Predict method.

Response message for predict method.

The price information of a [Product][].

Product captures all metadata information of items to be recommended or searched.

Detailed product information associated with a user event.

The inline source for the input config for ImportProducts method.

The input config source for products.

Configures what level the product should be uploaded with regards to how users will be send events and how predictions will be made.

Promotion information.

A transaction represents the entire purchase transaction.

Metadata related to the progress of the Purge operation. This will be returned by the google.longrunning.Operation.metadata field.

Request message for PurgeUserEvents method.

Response of the PurgeUserEventsRequest. If the long running operation is successfully done, then this message is returned by the google.longrunning.Operations.response field.

The rating of a [Product][].

Metadata for RejoinUserEvents method.

Request message for RejoinUserEvents method.

Response message for RejoinUserEvents method.

Metadata related to the progress of the RemoveFulfillmentPlaces operation. Currently empty because there is no meaningful metadata populated from the [RemoveFulfillmentPlaces][] method.

Request message for [RemoveFulfillmentPlaces][] method.

Response of the RemoveFulfillmentPlacesRequest. Currently empty because there is no meaningful response populated from the [RemoveFulfillmentPlaces][] method.

Request message for [SearchService.Search][] method.

Response message for [SearchService.Search][] method.

Request message to set a specified branch as new default_branch.

Metadata related to the progress of the SetInventory operation. Currently empty because there is no meaningful metadata populated from the [SetInventory][] method.

Request message for [SetInventory][] method.

Response of the SetInventoryRequest. Currently empty because there is no meaningful response populated from the [SetInventory][] method.

Request for [CatalogService.UpdateCatalog][] method.

Request message for [UpdateProduct][] method.

UserEvent captures all metadata information Retail API needs to know about how end users interact with customers’ website.

A summary of import result. The UserEventImportSummary summarizes the import status for user events.

The inline source for the input config for ImportUserEvents method.

The input config source for user events.

Information of an end user.

Request message for WriteUserEvent method.