Module googapis::google::ads::googleads::v8::errors[][src]


Nested message and enum types in AccessInvitationErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in AccountBudgetProposalErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in AccountLinkErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in AdCustomizerErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in AdErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in AdGroupAdErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in AdGroupBidModifierErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in AdGroupCriterionErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in AdGroupErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in AdGroupFeedErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in AdParameterErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in AdSharingErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in AdxErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in AssetErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in AssetLinkErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in AuthenticationErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in AuthorizationErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in BatchJobErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in BiddingErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in BiddingStrategyErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in BillingSetupErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in CampaignBudgetErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in CampaignCriterionErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in CampaignDraftErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in CampaignErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in CampaignExperimentErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in CampaignFeedErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in CampaignSharedSetErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ChangeEventErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ChangeStatusErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in CollectionSizeErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ContextErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ConversionActionErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ConversionAdjustmentUploadErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ConversionCustomVariableErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ConversionUploadErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ConversionValueRuleErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ConversionValueRuleSetErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in CountryCodeErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in CriterionErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in CurrencyCodeErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in CustomAudienceErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in CustomInterestErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in CustomerClientLinkErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in CustomerErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in CustomerFeedErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in CustomerManagerLinkErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in CustomerUserAccessErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in DatabaseErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in DateErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in DateRangeErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in DistinctErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in EnumErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ErrorCode.

Nested message and enum types in ErrorLocation.

Nested message and enum types in ExtensionFeedItemErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ExtensionSettingErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in FeedAttributeReferenceErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in FeedErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in FeedItemErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in FeedItemSetErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in FeedItemSetLinkErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in FeedItemTargetErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in FeedItemValidationErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in FeedMappingErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in FieldErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in FieldMaskErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in FunctionErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in FunctionParsingErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in GeoTargetConstantSuggestionErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in HeaderErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in IdErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ImageErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in InternalErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in InvoiceErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in KeywordPlanAdGroupErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in KeywordPlanAdGroupKeywordErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in KeywordPlanCampaignErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in KeywordPlanCampaignKeywordErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in KeywordPlanErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in KeywordPlanIdeaErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in LabelErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in LanguageCodeErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ListOperationErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ManagerLinkErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in MediaBundleErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in MediaFileErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in MediaUploadErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in MultiplierErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in MutateErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in NewResourceCreationErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in NotAllowlistedErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in NotEmptyErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in NullErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in OfflineUserDataJobErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in OperationAccessDeniedErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in OperatorErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in PartialFailureErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in PaymentsAccountErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in PolicyFindingErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in PolicyValidationParameterErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in PolicyViolationErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in QueryErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in QuotaErrorDetails.

Nested message and enum types in QuotaErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in RangeErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ReachPlanErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in RecommendationErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in RegionCodeErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in RequestErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ResourceAccessDeniedErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ResourceCountLimitExceededErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in SettingErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in SharedCriterionErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in SharedSetErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in SizeLimitErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in StringFormatErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in StringLengthErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ThirdPartyAppAnalyticsLinkErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in TimeZoneErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in UrlFieldErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in UserDataErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in UserListErrorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in YoutubeVideoRegistrationErrorEnum.


Container for enum describing possible AccessInvitation errors.

Container for enum describing possible account budget proposal errors.

Container for enum describing possible account link errors.

Container for enum describing possible ad customizer errors.

Container for enum describing possible ad errors.

Container for enum describing possible ad group ad errors.

Container for enum describing possible ad group bid modifier errors.

Container for enum describing possible ad group criterion errors.

Container for enum describing possible ad group errors.

Container for enum describing possible ad group feed errors.

Container for enum describing possible ad parameter errors.

Container for enum describing possible ad sharing errors.

Container for enum describing possible adx errors.

Container for enum describing possible asset errors.

Container for enum describing possible asset link errors.

Container for enum describing possible authentication errors.

Container for enum describing possible authorization errors.

Container for enum describing possible batch job errors.

Container for enum describing possible bidding errors.

Container for enum describing possible bidding strategy errors.

Container for enum describing possible billing setup errors.

Container for enum describing possible campaign budget errors.

Container for enum describing possible campaign criterion errors.

Container for enum describing possible campaign draft errors.

Container for enum describing possible campaign errors.

Container for enum describing possible campaign experiment errors.

Container for enum describing possible campaign feed errors.

Container for enum describing possible campaign shared set errors.

Container for enum describing possible change event errors.

Container for enum describing possible change status errors.

Container for enum describing possible collection size errors.

Container for enum describing possible context errors.

Container for enum describing possible conversion action errors.

Container for enum describing possible conversion adjustment upload errors.

Container for enum describing possible conversion custom variable errors.

Container for enum describing possible conversion upload errors.

Container for enum describing possible conversion value rule errors.

Container for enum describing possible conversion value rule set errors.

Container for enum describing country code errors.

Container for enum describing possible criterion errors.

Container for enum describing possible currency code errors.

Container for enum describing possible custom audience errors.

Container for enum describing possible custom interest errors.

Container for enum describing possible CustomeClientLink errors.

Container for enum describing possible customer errors.

Container for enum describing possible customer feed errors.

Container for enum describing possible CustomerManagerLink errors.

Container for enum describing possible CustomerUserAccess errors.

Container for enum describing possible database errors.

Container for enum describing possible date errors.

Container for enum describing possible date range errors.

Container for enum describing possible distinct errors.

Container for enum describing possible enum errors.

The error reason represented by type and enum.

Additional error details.

Describes the part of the request proto that caused the error.

Container for enum describing possible extension feed item error.

Container for enum describing validation errors of extension settings.

Container for enum describing possible feed attribute reference errors.

Container for enum describing possible feed errors.

Container for enum describing possible feed item errors.

Container for enum describing possible feed item set errors.

Container for enum describing possible feed item set link errors.

Container for enum describing possible feed item target errors.

Container for enum describing possible validation errors of a feed item.

Container for enum describing possible feed item errors.

Container for enum describing possible field errors.

Container for enum describing possible field mask errors.

Container for enum describing possible function errors.

Container for enum describing possible function parsing errors.

Container for enum describing possible geo target constant suggestion errors.

GoogleAds-specific error.

Describes how a GoogleAds API call failed. It’s returned inside google.rpc.Status.details when a call fails.

Container for enum describing possible header errors.

Container for enum describing possible id errors.

Container for enum describing possible image errors.

Container for enum describing possible internal errors.

Container for enum describing possible invoice errors.

Container for enum describing possible errors from applying a keyword plan ad group.

Container for enum describing possible errors from applying an ad group keyword or a campaign keyword from a keyword plan.

Container for enum describing possible errors from applying a keyword plan campaign.

Container for enum describing possible errors from applying a keyword plan campaign keyword.

Container for enum describing possible errors from applying a keyword plan resource (keyword plan, keyword plan campaign, keyword plan ad group or keyword plan keyword) or KeywordPlanService RPC.

Container for enum describing possible errors from KeywordPlanIdeaService.

Container for enum describing possible label errors.

Container for enum describing language code errors.

Container for enum describing possible list operation errors.

Container for enum describing possible ManagerLink errors.

Container for enum describing possible media bundle errors.

Container for enum describing possible media file errors.

Container for enum describing possible media uploading errors.

Container for enum describing possible multiplier errors.

Container for enum describing possible mutate errors.

Container for enum describing possible new resource creation errors.

Container for enum describing possible not allowlisted errors.

Container for enum describing possible not empty errors.

Container for enum describing possible null errors.

Container for enum describing possible offline user data job errors.

Container for enum describing possible operation access denied errors.

Container for enum describing possible operator errors.

Container for enum describing possible partial failure errors.

Container for enum describing possible errors in payments account service.

Error returned as part of a mutate response. This error indicates one or more policy findings in the fields of a resource.

Container for enum describing possible policy finding errors.

Container for enum describing possible policy validation parameter errors.

Error returned as part of a mutate response. This error indicates single policy violation by some text in one of the fields.

Container for enum describing possible policy violation errors.

Container for enum describing possible query errors.

Additional quota error details when there is QuotaError.

Container for enum describing possible quota errors.

Container for enum describing possible range errors.

Container for enum describing possible errors returned from the ReachPlanService.

Container for enum describing possible errors from applying a recommendation.

Container for enum describing possible region code errors.

Container for enum describing possible request errors.

Container for enum describing possible resource access denied errors.

Error details returned when an resource count limit was exceeded.

Container for enum describing possible resource count limit exceeded errors.

Container for enum describing possible setting errors.

Container for enum describing possible shared criterion errors.

Container for enum describing possible shared set errors.

Container for enum describing possible size limit errors.

Container for enum describing possible string format errors.

Container for enum describing possible string length errors.

Container for enum describing possible third party app analytics link errors.

Container for enum describing possible time zone errors.

Container for enum describing possible url field errors.

Container for enum describing possible user data errors.

Container for enum describing possible user list errors.

Container for enum describing YouTube video registration errors.