Module googapis::google::ads::googleads::v8::enums[][src]


Nested message and enum types in AccessInvitationStatusEnum.

Nested message and enum types in AccessReasonEnum.

Nested message and enum types in AccessRoleEnum.

Nested message and enum types in AccountBudgetProposalStatusEnum.

Nested message and enum types in AccountBudgetProposalTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in AccountBudgetStatusEnum.

Nested message and enum types in AccountLinkStatusEnum.

Nested message and enum types in AdCustomizerPlaceholderFieldEnum.

Nested message and enum types in AdDestinationTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in AdGroupAdRotationModeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in AdGroupAdStatusEnum.

Nested message and enum types in AdGroupCriterionApprovalStatusEnum.

Nested message and enum types in AdGroupCriterionStatusEnum.

Nested message and enum types in AdGroupStatusEnum.

Nested message and enum types in AdGroupTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in AdNetworkTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in AdServingOptimizationStatusEnum.

Nested message and enum types in AdStrengthEnum.

Nested message and enum types in AdTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in AdvertisingChannelSubTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in AdvertisingChannelTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in AffiliateLocationFeedRelationshipTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in AffiliateLocationPlaceholderFieldEnum.

Nested message and enum types in AgeRangeTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in AppCampaignAppStoreEnum.

Nested message and enum types in AppCampaignBiddingStrategyGoalTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in AppPaymentModelTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in AppPlaceholderFieldEnum.

Nested message and enum types in AppStoreEnum.

Nested message and enum types in AppUrlOperatingSystemTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in AssetFieldTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in AssetLinkStatusEnum.

Nested message and enum types in AssetPerformanceLabelEnum.

Nested message and enum types in AssetTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in AttributionModelEnum.

Nested message and enum types in BatchJobStatusEnum.

Nested message and enum types in BidModifierSourceEnum.

Nested message and enum types in BiddingSourceEnum.

Nested message and enum types in BiddingStrategyStatusEnum.

Nested message and enum types in BiddingStrategyTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in BillingSetupStatusEnum.

Nested message and enum types in BrandSafetySuitabilityEnum.

Nested message and enum types in BudgetCampaignAssociationStatusEnum.

Nested message and enum types in BudgetDeliveryMethodEnum.

Nested message and enum types in BudgetPeriodEnum.

Nested message and enum types in BudgetStatusEnum.

Nested message and enum types in BudgetTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in CallConversionReportingStateEnum.

Nested message and enum types in CallPlaceholderFieldEnum.

Nested message and enum types in CallTrackingDisplayLocationEnum.

Nested message and enum types in CallTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in CalloutPlaceholderFieldEnum.

Nested message and enum types in CampaignCriterionStatusEnum.

Nested message and enum types in CampaignDraftStatusEnum.

Nested message and enum types in CampaignExperimentStatusEnum.

Nested message and enum types in CampaignExperimentTrafficSplitTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in CampaignExperimentTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in CampaignServingStatusEnum.

Nested message and enum types in CampaignSharedSetStatusEnum.

Nested message and enum types in CampaignStatusEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ChangeClientTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ChangeEventResourceTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ChangeStatusOperationEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ChangeStatusResourceTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ClickTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in CombinedAudienceStatusEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ContentLabelTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ConversionActionCategoryEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ConversionActionCountingTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ConversionActionStatusEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ConversionActionTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ConversionAdjustmentTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ConversionAttributionEventTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ConversionCustomVariableStatusEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ConversionLagBucketEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ConversionOrAdjustmentLagBucketEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ConversionValueRulePrimaryDimensionEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ConversionValueRuleSetStatusEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ConversionValueRuleStatusEnum.

Nested message and enum types in CriterionCategoryChannelAvailabilityModeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in CriterionCategoryLocaleAvailabilityModeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in CriterionSystemServingStatusEnum.

Nested message and enum types in CriterionTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in CustomAudienceMemberTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in CustomAudienceStatusEnum.

Nested message and enum types in CustomAudienceTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in CustomInterestMemberTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in CustomInterestStatusEnum.

Nested message and enum types in CustomInterestTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in CustomPlaceholderFieldEnum.

Nested message and enum types in CustomerMatchUploadKeyTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in CustomerPayPerConversionEligibilityFailureReasonEnum.

Nested message and enum types in DataDrivenModelStatusEnum.

Nested message and enum types in DayOfWeekEnum.

Nested message and enum types in DeviceEnum.

Nested message and enum types in DisplayAdFormatSettingEnum.

Nested message and enum types in DisplayUploadProductTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in DistanceBucketEnum.

Nested message and enum types in DsaPageFeedCriterionFieldEnum.

Nested message and enum types in EducationPlaceholderFieldEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ExtensionSettingDeviceEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ExtensionTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ExternalConversionSourceEnum.

Nested message and enum types in FeedAttributeTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in FeedItemQualityApprovalStatusEnum.

Nested message and enum types in FeedItemQualityDisapprovalReasonEnum.

Nested message and enum types in FeedItemSetStatusEnum.

Nested message and enum types in FeedItemSetStringFilterTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in FeedItemStatusEnum.

Nested message and enum types in FeedItemTargetDeviceEnum.

Nested message and enum types in FeedItemTargetStatusEnum.

Nested message and enum types in FeedItemTargetTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in FeedItemValidationStatusEnum.

Nested message and enum types in FeedLinkStatusEnum.

Nested message and enum types in FeedMappingCriterionTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in FeedMappingStatusEnum.

Nested message and enum types in FeedOriginEnum.

Nested message and enum types in FeedStatusEnum.

Nested message and enum types in FlightPlaceholderFieldEnum.

Nested message and enum types in FrequencyCapEventTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in FrequencyCapLevelEnum.

Nested message and enum types in FrequencyCapTimeUnitEnum.

Nested message and enum types in GenderTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in GeoTargetConstantStatusEnum.

Nested message and enum types in GeoTargetingRestrictionEnum.

Nested message and enum types in GeoTargetingTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in GoogleAdsFieldCategoryEnum.

Nested message and enum types in GoogleAdsFieldDataTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in GoogleVoiceCallStatusEnum.

Nested message and enum types in HotelDateSelectionTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in HotelPlaceholderFieldEnum.

Nested message and enum types in HotelPriceBucketEnum.

Nested message and enum types in HotelRateTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ImagePlaceholderFieldEnum.

Nested message and enum types in IncomeRangeTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in InteractionEventTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in InteractionTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in InvoiceTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in JobPlaceholderFieldEnum.

Nested message and enum types in KeywordMatchTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in KeywordPlanAggregateMetricTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in KeywordPlanCompetitionLevelEnum.

Nested message and enum types in KeywordPlanConceptGroupTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in KeywordPlanForecastIntervalEnum.

Nested message and enum types in KeywordPlanKeywordAnnotationEnum.

Nested message and enum types in KeywordPlanNetworkEnum.

Nested message and enum types in LabelStatusEnum.

Nested message and enum types in LeadFormCallToActionTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in LeadFormDesiredIntentEnum.

Nested message and enum types in LeadFormFieldUserInputTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in LeadFormPostSubmitCallToActionTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in LegacyAppInstallAdAppStoreEnum.

Nested message and enum types in LinkedAccountTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ListingGroupTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in LocalPlaceholderFieldEnum.

Nested message and enum types in LocationExtensionTargetingCriterionFieldEnum.

Nested message and enum types in LocationGroupRadiusUnitsEnum.

Nested message and enum types in LocationPlaceholderFieldEnum.

Nested message and enum types in LocationSourceTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ManagerLinkStatusEnum.

Nested message and enum types in MatchingFunctionContextTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in MatchingFunctionOperatorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in MediaTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in MerchantCenterLinkStatusEnum.

Nested message and enum types in MessagePlaceholderFieldEnum.

Nested message and enum types in MimeTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in MinuteOfHourEnum.

Nested message and enum types in MobileAppVendorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in MobileDeviceTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in MonthOfYearEnum.

Nested message and enum types in NegativeGeoTargetTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in OfflineUserDataJobFailureReasonEnum.

Nested message and enum types in OfflineUserDataJobStatusEnum.

Nested message and enum types in OfflineUserDataJobTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in OperatingSystemVersionOperatorTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in OptimizationGoalTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ParentalStatusTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in PaymentModeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in PlaceholderTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in PlacementTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in PolicyApprovalStatusEnum.

Nested message and enum types in PolicyReviewStatusEnum.

Nested message and enum types in PolicyTopicEntryTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in PolicyTopicEvidenceDestinationMismatchUrlTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in PolicyTopicEvidenceDestinationNotWorkingDeviceEnum.

Nested message and enum types in PolicyTopicEvidenceDestinationNotWorkingDnsErrorTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in PositiveGeoTargetTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in PreferredContentTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in PriceExtensionPriceQualifierEnum.

Nested message and enum types in PriceExtensionPriceUnitEnum.

Nested message and enum types in PriceExtensionTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in PricePlaceholderFieldEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ProductBiddingCategoryLevelEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ProductBiddingCategoryStatusEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ProductChannelEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ProductChannelExclusivityEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ProductConditionEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ProductCustomAttributeIndexEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ProductTypeLevelEnum.

Nested message and enum types in PromotionExtensionDiscountModifierEnum.

Nested message and enum types in PromotionExtensionOccasionEnum.

Nested message and enum types in PromotionPlaceholderFieldEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ProximityRadiusUnitsEnum.

Nested message and enum types in QualityScoreBucketEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ReachPlanAdLengthEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ReachPlanAgeRangeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ReachPlanNetworkEnum.

Nested message and enum types in RealEstatePlaceholderFieldEnum.

Nested message and enum types in RecommendationTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ResourceChangeOperationEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ResourceLimitTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ResponseContentTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in SearchEngineResultsPageTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in SearchTermMatchTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in SearchTermTargetingStatusEnum.

Nested message and enum types in SeasonalityEventScopeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in SeasonalityEventStatusEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ServedAssetFieldTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in SharedSetStatusEnum.

Nested message and enum types in SharedSetTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in SimulationModificationMethodEnum.

Nested message and enum types in SimulationTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in SitelinkPlaceholderFieldEnum.

Nested message and enum types in SlotEnum.

Nested message and enum types in SpendingLimitTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in StructuredSnippetPlaceholderFieldEnum.

Nested message and enum types in SummaryRowSettingEnum.

Nested message and enum types in SystemManagedResourceSourceEnum.

Nested message and enum types in TargetCpaOptInRecommendationGoalEnum.

Nested message and enum types in TargetImpressionShareLocationEnum.

Nested message and enum types in TargetingDimensionEnum.

Nested message and enum types in TimeTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in TrackingCodePageFormatEnum.

Nested message and enum types in TrackingCodeTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in TravelPlaceholderFieldEnum.

Nested message and enum types in UserIdentifierSourceEnum.

Nested message and enum types in UserInterestTaxonomyTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in UserListAccessStatusEnum.

Nested message and enum types in UserListClosingReasonEnum.

Nested message and enum types in UserListCombinedRuleOperatorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in UserListCrmDataSourceTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in UserListDateRuleItemOperatorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in UserListLogicalRuleOperatorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in UserListMembershipStatusEnum.

Nested message and enum types in UserListNumberRuleItemOperatorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in UserListPrepopulationStatusEnum.

Nested message and enum types in UserListRuleTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in UserListSizeRangeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in UserListStringRuleItemOperatorEnum.

Nested message and enum types in UserListTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ValueRuleDeviceTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ValueRuleGeoLocationMatchTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ValueRuleOperationEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ValueRuleSetAttachmentTypeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in ValueRuleSetDimensionEnum.

Nested message and enum types in VanityPharmaDisplayUrlModeEnum.

Nested message and enum types in VanityPharmaTextEnum.

Nested message and enum types in WebpageConditionOperandEnum.

Nested message and enum types in WebpageConditionOperatorEnum.


Container for enum for identifying the status of access invitation

Indicates the way the resource such as user list is related to a user.

Container for enum describing possible access role for user.

Message describing AccountBudgetProposal statuses.

Message describing AccountBudgetProposal types.

Message describing AccountBudget statuses.

Container for enum describing possible statuses of an account link.

Values for Ad Customizer placeholder fields.

Container for enumeration of Google Ads destination types.

Container for enum describing possible ad rotation modes of ads within an ad group.

Container for enum describing possible statuses of an AdGroupAd.

Container for enum describing possible AdGroupCriterion approval statuses.

Message describing AdGroupCriterion statuses.

Container for enum describing possible statuses of an ad group.

Defines types of an ad group, specific to a particular campaign channel type. This type drives validations that restrict which entities can be added to the ad group.

Container for enumeration of Google Ads network types.

Possible ad serving statuses of a campaign.

Container for enum describing possible ad strengths.

Container for enum describing possible types of an ad.

An immutable specialization of an Advertising Channel.

The channel type a campaign may target to serve on.

Container for enum describing possible values for a relationship type for an affiliate location feed.

Values for Affiliate Location placeholder fields.

Container for enum describing the type of demographic age ranges.

The application store that distributes mobile applications.

Container for enum describing goal towards which the bidding strategy of an app campaign should optimize for.

Represents a criterion for targeting paid apps.

Values for App placeholder fields.

Container for enum describing app store type in an app extension.

The possible OS types for a deeplink AppUrl.

Container for enum describing the possible placements of an asset.

Container for enum describing possible statuses of an asset link.

Container for enum describing the performance label of an asset.

Container for enum describing the types of asset.

Container for enum representing the attribution model that describes how to distribute credit for a particular conversion across potentially many prior interactions.

Container for enum describing possible batch job statuses.

Container for enum describing possible bid modifier sources.

Container for enum describing possible bidding sources.

Message describing BiddingStrategy statuses.

Container for enum describing possible bidding strategy types.

Message describing BillingSetup statuses.

Container for enum with 3-Tier brand safety suitability control.

Message describing the status of the association between the Budget and the Campaign.

Message describing Budget delivery methods. A delivery method determines the rate at which the Budget is spent.

Message describing Budget period.

Message describing a Budget status

Describes Budget types.

Container for enum describing possible data types for call conversion reporting state.

Values for Call placeholder fields.

Container for enum describing possible call tracking display locations.

Container for enum describing possible types of property from where the call was made.

Values for Callout placeholder fields.

Message describing CampaignCriterion statuses.

Container for enum describing possible statuses of a campaign draft.

Container for enum describing possible statuses of a campaign experiment.

Container for enum describing campaign experiment traffic split type.

Container for enum describing campaign experiment type.

Message describing Campaign serving statuses.

Container for enum describing types of campaign shared set statuses.

Container for enum describing possible statuses of a campaign.

Container for enum describing the sources that the change event resource was made through.

Container for enum describing supported resource types for the ChangeEvent resource.

Container for enum describing operations for the ChangeStatus resource.

Container for enum describing supported resource types for the ChangeStatus resource.

Container for enumeration of Google Ads click types.

The status of combined audience.

Container for enum describing content label types in ContentLabel.

Container for enum describing the category of conversions that are associated with a ConversionAction.

Container for enum describing the conversion deduplication mode for conversion optimizer.

Container for enum describing possible statuses of a conversion action.

Container for enum describing possible types of a conversion action.

Container for enum describing conversion adjustment types.

Container for enum indicating the event type the conversion is attributed to.

Container for enum describing possible statuses of a conversion custom variable.

Container for enum representing the number of days between impression and conversion.

Container for enum representing the number of days between the impression and the conversion or between the impression and adjustments to the conversion.

Container for enum describing value rule primary dimension for stats.

Container for enum describing possible statuses of a conversion value rule set.

Container for enum describing possible statuses of a conversion value rule.

Describes channel availability mode for a criterion availability - whether the availability is meant to include all advertising channels, or a particular channel with all its channel subtypes, or a channel with a certain subset of channel subtypes.

Describes locale availability mode for a criterion availability - whether it’s available globally, or a particular country with all languages, or a particular language with all countries, or a country-language pair.

Container for enum describing possible criterion system serving statuses.

The possible types of a criterion.

The type of custom audience member.

The status of custom audience.

The types of custom audience.

The types of custom interest member, either KEYWORD or URL.

The status of custom interest.

The types of custom interest.

Values for Custom placeholder fields. For more information about dynamic remarketing feeds, see

Indicates what type of data are the user list’s members matched from.

Container for enum describing reasons why a customer is not eligible to use PaymentMode.CONVERSIONS.

Container for enum indicating data driven model status.

Container for enumeration of days of the week, e.g., “Monday”.

Container for enumeration of Google Ads devices available for targeting.

Container for display ad format settings.

Container for display upload product types. Product types that have the word “DYNAMIC” in them must be associated with a campaign that has a dynamic remarketing feed. See for more info about dynamic remarketing. Other product types are regarded as “static” and do not have this requirement.

Container for distance buckets of a user’s distance from an advertiser’s location extension.

Values for Dynamic Search Ad Page Feed criterion fields.

Values for Education placeholder fields. For more information about dynamic remarketing feeds, see

Container for enum describing extension setting device types.

Container for enum describing possible data types for an extension in an extension setting.

Container for enum describing the external conversion source that is associated with a ConversionAction.

Container for enum describing possible data types for a feed attribute.

Container for enum describing possible quality evaluation approval statuses of a feed item.

Container for enum describing possible quality evaluation disapproval reasons of a feed item.

Container for enum describing possible statuses of a feed item set.

The type of string matching to be used for a dynamic FeedItemSet filter.

Container for enum describing possible statuses of a feed item.

Container for enum describing possible data types for a feed item target device.

Container for enum describing possible statuses of a feed item target.

Container for enum describing possible types of a feed item target.

Container for enum describing possible validation statuses of a feed item.

Container for an enum describing possible statuses of a feed link.

Container for enum describing possible criterion types for a feed mapping.

Container for enum describing possible statuses of a feed mapping.

Container for enum describing possible values for a feed origin.

Container for enum describing possible statuses of a feed.

Values for Flight placeholder fields. For more information about dynamic remarketing feeds, see

Container for enum describing the type of event that the cap applies to.

Container for enum describing the level on which the cap is to be applied.

Container for enum describing the unit of time the cap is defined at.

Container for enum describing the type of demographic genders.

Container for describing the status of a geo target constant.

Message describing feed item geo targeting restriction.

Container for enum describing possible geo targeting types.

Container for enum that determines if the described artifact is a resource or a field, and if it is a field, when it segments search queries.

Container holding the various data types.

Container for enum describing possible statuses of a google voice call.

Container for enum describing possible hotel date selection types

Values for Hotel placeholder fields. For more information about dynamic remarketing feeds, see

Container for enum describing hotel price bucket for a hotel itinerary.

Container for enum describing possible hotel rate types.

Values for Advertiser Provided Image placeholder fields.

Container for enum describing the type of demographic income ranges.

Container for enum describing types of payable and free interactions.

Container for enum describing possible interaction types.

Container for enum describing the type of invoices.

Values for Job placeholder fields. For more information about dynamic remarketing feeds, see

Message describing Keyword match types.

The enumeration of keyword plan aggregate metric types.

Container for enumeration of keyword competition levels. The competition level indicates how competitive ad placement is for a keyword and is determined by the number of advertisers bidding on that keyword relative to all keywords across Google. The competition level can depend on the location and Search Network targeting options you’ve selected.

Container for enumeration of keyword plan concept group types.

Container for enumeration of forecast intervals.

Container for enumeration of keyword plan keyword annotations.

Container for enumeration of keyword plan forecastable network types.

Container for enum describing possible status of a label.

Describes the type of call-to-action phrases in a lead form.

Describes the desired level of intent of generated leads.

Describes the input type of a lead form field.

Describes the type of post-submit call-to-action phrases for a lead form.

Container for enum describing app store type in a legacy app install ad.

Container for enum describing different types of Linked accounts.

Container for enum describing the type of the listing group.

Values for Local placeholder fields. For more information about dynamic remarketing feeds, see

Values for Location Extension Targeting criterion fields.

Container for enum describing unit of radius in location group.

Values for Location placeholder fields.

Used to distinguish the location source type.

Container for enum describing possible status of a manager and client link.

Container for context types for an operand in a matching function.

Container for enum describing matching function operator.

Container for enum describing the types of media.

Container for enum describing possible statuses of a Google Merchant Center link.

Values for Message placeholder fields.

Container for enum describing the mime types.

Container for enumeration of quarter-hours.

Container for enum describing different types of mobile app vendors.

Container for enum describing the types of mobile device.

Container for enumeration of months of the year, e.g., “January”.

Container for enum describing possible negative geo target types.

Container for enum describing reasons why an offline user data job failed to be processed.

Container for enum describing status of an offline user data job.

Container for enum describing types of an offline user data job.

Container for enum describing the type of OS operators.

Container for enum describing the type of optimization goal.

Container for enum describing the type of demographic parental statuses.

Container for enum describing possible payment modes.

Container for enum describing possible placeholder types for a feed mapping.

Container for enum describing possible placement types.

Container for enum describing possible policy approval statuses.

Container for enum describing possible policy review statuses.

Container for enum describing possible policy topic entry types.

Container for enum describing possible policy topic evidence destination mismatch url types.

Container for enum describing possible policy topic evidence destination not working devices.

Container for enum describing possible policy topic evidence destination not working DNS error types.

Container for enum describing possible positive geo target types.

Container for enumeration of preferred content criterion type.

Container for enum describing a price extension price qualifier.

Container for enum describing price extension price unit.

Container for enum describing types for a price extension.

Values for Price placeholder fields.

Level of a product bidding category.

Status of the product bidding category.

Locality of a product offer.

Availability of a product offer.

Condition of a product offer.

Container for enum describing the index of the product custom attribute.

Level of the type of a product offer.

Container for enum describing possible a promotion extension discount modifier.

Container for enum describing a promotion extension occasion. For more information about the occasions please check:

Values for Promotion placeholder fields.

Container for enum describing unit of radius in proximity.

The relative performance compared to other advertisers.

Message describing length of a plannable video ad.

Message describing plannable age ranges.

Container for enum describing plannable networks.

Values for Real Estate placeholder fields. For more information about dynamic remarketing feeds, see

Container for enum describing types of recommendations.

Container for enum describing resource change operations in the ChangeEvent resource.

Container for enum describing possible resource limit types.

Container for possible response content types.

The type of the search engine results page.

Container for enum describing match types for a keyword triggering an ad.

Container for enum indicating whether a search term is one of your targeted or excluded keywords.

Message describing seasonality event scopes. The two types of seasonality events are BiddingSeasonalityAdjustments and BiddingDataExclusions.

Message describing seasonality event statuses. The two types of seasonality events are BiddingSeasonalityAdjustments and BiddingDataExclusions.

Container for enum describing possible asset field types.

Container for enum describing types of shared set statuses.

Container for enum describing types of shared sets.

Container for enum describing the method by which a simulation modifies a field.

Container for enum describing the field a simulation modifies.

Values for Sitelink placeholder fields.

Container for enumeration of possible positions of the Ad.

Message describing spending limit types.

Values for Structured Snippet placeholder fields.

Indicates summary row setting in request parameter.

Container for enum describing possible system managed entity sources.

Container for enum describing goals for TargetCpaOptIn recommendation.

Container for enum describing where on the first search results page the automated bidding system should target impressions for the TargetImpressionShare bidding strategy.

The dimensions that can be targeted.

Message describing time types.

Container for enum describing the format of the web page where the tracking tag and snippet will be installed.

Container for enum describing the type of the generated tag snippets for tracking conversions.

Values for Travel placeholder fields. For more information about dynamic remarketing feeds, see

Container for enum describing the source of the user identifier for offline Store Sales, click conversion, and conversion adjustment uploads.

Message describing a UserInterestTaxonomyType.

Indicates if this client still has access to the list.

Indicates the reason why the userlist was closed. This enum is only used when a list is auto-closed by the system.

Logical operator connecting two rules.

Indicates source of Crm upload data.

Supported rule operator for date type.

The logical operator of the rule.

Membership status of this user list. Indicates whether a user list is open or active. Only open user lists can accumulate more users and can be used for targeting.

Supported rule operator for number type.

Indicates status of prepopulation based on the rule.

Rule based user list rule type.

Size range in terms of number of users of a UserList.

Supported rule operator for string type.

The user list types.

Container for enum describing possible device types used in a conversion value rule.

Container for enum describing possible geographic location matching types used in a conversion value rule.

Container for enum describing possible operations for value rules which are executed when rules are triggered.

Container for enum describing where a value rule set is attached.

Container for enum describing possible dimensions of a conversion value rule set.

The display mode for vanity pharma URLs.

The text that will be displayed in display URL of the text ad when website description is the selected display mode for vanity pharma URLs.

Container for enum describing webpage condition operand in webpage criterion.

Container for enum describing webpage condition operator in webpage criterion.